There are many myths surrounding the fitness world. Especially when it comes to workout programs and personal training. We’re here to debunk those myths and give you the rundown on what to expect when signing up for a personal training session or our Kickstart Program.

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The Truth about Our Free Kickstart & Training Session: It’s not what you think

The Truth about Our Free Kickstart & Training Session: It’s not what you think
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There are many myths surrounding the fitness world. Especially when it comes to workout programs and personal training. We’re here to debunk those myths and give you the rundown on what to expect when signing up for a personal training session or our Kickstart Program. Personal training sessions benefit you in a number of ways like taking you out of your comfort zone with new workouts,keeping you from plateauing, or even giving you that extra push of motivation. We asked a couple of our Coaches, Jacob and Ben, to come up with some myths they’ve heard about our Kickstart Program and personal training sessions to clear up any misconceptions. Keep reading to find out the truth.


Here is what Jacob from Fit Factory Braintree had to say:


Myth: The Trainer is Going Through the Motions

Truth: People don't fully understand it...My answer is it's problem solving. If you're not reaching your goals, we'll find out exactly why that is by taking the time to learn about you, your schedule, workouts, and challenges. Then inform you on how Fit Factory can help solve these problems based on the resources we have here at the club! 


Myth: I Don’t Need a Personal Trainer to Help me with my Workout Plan

Truth: Some people think they don't need it because they have been "doing this for awhile." In short, they think it's not a valuable resource. My favorite way of thinking of this thought process is the fact that I know that I can change the tire on my car if I need to..but if I hear weird noises while I am driving you can bet for sure I am taking my car to the professionals at the auto shop to be fixed! And that's what we are - the professionals who's full time job is to help you overcome your limits and accomplish your goals. We are different from most online advice you read because we take the time to learn about you, stay up to date on new training research, and can provide that value in a way that FITS INTO your life! It's custom to you.


Myth: It’s Just a Free Workout

Truth: "Is that just a free workout? I have workouts, I'm all set." A free workout is part of it for the Kickstart Program! But the workout I put you through is just a portion of the full meeting and oftentimes the workout is programmed as a movement assessment so that I can see any imbalances, inefficiencies or any cause for concern in your movement. That way I can help you train to avoid injury in your future.


Ben from Fit Factory Kingston had a few other thoughts:


Myth: Experience Matters

Truth: The Kickstart is not just for the beginners. Our Fitness Professionals are well educated and experienced in a wide range of training levels and modalities. If you already have a training program, great! Lets review for a few minutes to make sure you are maximizing your program to its fullest potential. 


Myth: I Have to be in Better Shape to ask a Trainer for Help

Truth: Far too often do we create poor habits in the gym. Whether from improper movement techniques, or doing too much of the wrong type of training. We want to be sure you are being as safe and efficient as possible with every minute you are here in the gym. After learning proper routines and movement technique, you are now ready for a lifelong of healthy fitness. 


Myth: The Session is just a Run Through/Review of Machines

Truth: Machines are great, but we want to make sure you are taking advantage of all Fit Factory has to offer. Each Kickstart starts with information gathering. This allows us to spend the time with you wisely and deliberately to inform you on the best ways to maximize your results. 


Myth: All Routines will be the Same

Truth: Not all programs are created equal. Without seeing someone move, we will not just pass out a generic training routine. Far too often does the gym become a place of injury. After learning what you are looking to achieve and evaluating your technique, you will learn how to properly design a training program at the end of your kickstart session based on your specific needs. 


Whether you’re a beginner or expert, personal training sessions are meant for everyone. We want you to have the opportunity to try it out for free so be sure to check out our Kickstart Program and schedule an appointment with one of our Coaches to see how you can level up your fitness program.


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