Turf is one of the most versatile surfaces that you can workout on. It has many benefits from being easy on your joints with shock absorption and cushioning to being one of the most easily accessible high traction surfaces.

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Take it to the Turf! Full Turf Workouts for your Strength Days

Take it to the Turf! Full Turf Workouts for your Strength Days
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Turf is one of the most versatile surfaces that you can workout on. It has many benefits from being easy on your joints with shock absorption and cushioning to being one of the most easily accessible high traction surfaces. Turf workouts are a great way to incorporate different forms of exercise that can help with stability, coordination and balance, challenging you to be precise with your movements. If you have any questions or want to know more about this style of training or others, ask our Fitness Directors at your nearest Fit Factory club!


Warm up for all strength workouts:

1 Min Row**

2 Rounds:

➡️ 6 Inch Worms

➡️ 10 Air Squats

➡️ 10 DB Upright Rows (light)

➡️ 10 1/2 Kneeling DB SA Overhead press each side (light)

➡️ 20 sec Pigeon Stretch each side

If you don’t have access to a rower on the turf substitute for 40 sec jump rope or mountain climbers**


Turf Full Body Strength Day

Grab some weights and hit the turf to target all the muscle groups in this full body workout!


➡️ Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat: Hold weights at the side or do body weight.

3 seconds descend, 1 full second pause at bottom, 1 second stand up. Do this for 3 sets 8 times each leg. Rest: 90 seconds between each leg.

➡️Alternating DB Bench Press: 4 sets 10 each

➡️ Double KB Bent over Row: 4 sets of 12

Rest: 90 seconds to 2 minutes between sets

➡️Banded KB Swings - 3 sets of 15

➡️ Seated DB Curl to Press - 3 sets of 12

Rest: 90 seconds to 2 minutes between sets


Turf Circuit

This workout is a mixture of strength training, cardiovascular, and bodyweight exercises. 


➡️BW squats - 15-20

➡️Push-ups - 10-15

➡️Walking lunges - 10 -12 per leg

➡️Crunches - 15-20

➡️Burpees - 12-15

➡️Jump squats - 12-15

➡️Farmers walk - 15 steps

➡️Plank rows - 10-12 per leg

➡️Pike walks - 8-10

➡️Russian twists - 30 total

Once you complete all these exercises, rest for 1-2 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times.


Full Body Interval Weight Training (IWT)

IWT is a true gold standard for mixing weight lifting and cardio. It saves a ton of time as you are accomplishing both at the same time, and are able to yield adaptations in both strength training and cardiovascular simultaneously.


EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute):

24 minutes total:

➡️**Min 1 - 12 Cal row (men) / 9 Cal Row (ladies)

➡️Min 2 - 10 Incline DB Bench Press (weight used RPE 7/10)

➡️Min 3 - 10 TRX Rows + 5 Burpees

➡️Min 4 - Max KB Goblet Squats (weight used RPE 7/10) 

➡️Min 5 - Rest

RPE Rate of Perceived exertion*


Sprint and Sled Workout

For endurance training put a 25-50% load of your body weight on the sled and push/pull at around half speed. The turf is beneficial for sprints and sled exercises because of the shock absorption it provides making it easier on your joints.


Dynamic warm up:

➡️ Jog or walk for 5-10 minutes on treadmill

➡️ 10 Leg swings

➡️ 10 Hip circles

➡️ 20 High knees

➡️ 20 Butt kicks


Repeat 3-4 times 

➡️Sprint length of turf, walk or jog back

➡️Push sled full length of turf 

➡️Pull sled length of turf

➡️Sprint length of turf, walk or jog back

➡️Lateral sled pull half length of turf then switch sides

➡️Sprint length of turf, walk or jog back

Once you’ve completed all these exercises, rest 2 minutes or walk the length of the turf an active recovery.

Whether you’re looking for cardiovascular, weight training, or just something different, finding your nearest turf is a great way to start. Fit Factory offers a turf area designed to cater to all types of workouts. To help you get going with your fitness journey and experience all our amenities, join us for a FREE Kickstart and Personal Training session available to new members.


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