With the current situation regarding COVID-19 we are doing absolutely everything we can to ensure that Fit Factory remains a safe place to be. While we always have and always will put a focus on cleaning in our clubs, we have made some changes to further protect our members.
Fitness is an important part of a STRONG immune system and we're here to help you keep focusing on your health when its more important than ever! Keep reading to learn more about what we're doing to fight COVID-19, and what that means for you:
In addition to our normal club clean sweeps, professional cleaning company's regular overnight deep cleans, and in club porters' cleaning efforts, we have implemented additional sanitation measures effective immediately.
Remember: If you or your child are feeling sick, please help us in protecting our community and stay home! Children exhibiting symptoms will not be accepted in the Kids Room.
➡️ All Fit Factory Clubs will have 2 hand sanitizing stations located at the front desk. We ask that all members use them when entering the facility.
➡️ Additional disinfecting spray bottles will be added throughout the club. Please be sure to do your part by being diligent about wiping down your equipment both before and after use.
➡️ Additional disinfectant wipes and spray will be used by staff to consistently wipe equipment and surfaces throughout the day. Disinfecting sweeps will be happening every 30 minutes.
➡️ All doors (both entrance/exit and studio spaces) will be left open to promote air circulation.
➡️ Our Personal Trainers are encouraged to utilize outdoor workouts if/when weather permits.
Beginning tomorrow, 3/14, we will be implementing extra measures to keep our Fit Fam healthy. We apologize for any inconvenience that these changes may cause and plan for them to be short term. We promise to continue adapting as the situation evolves and will keep you updated every step of the way!
➡️ All Fit Factory Saunas and Steam Rooms will be closed until further notice.
➡️ Towel service will not be offered. If you wish to use a towel at the club, please bring your own.
➡️ Communal mats will no longer be available. Members are encouraged to bring their own personal mats to classes.
➡️ Some classes will be temporarily reduced in size in order to avoid working out in close proximity.
We appreciate your cooperation as we work to ensure that Fit Factory remains a safe and healthy place to be! Give your home Fit Factory Location a call if you have any questions, comments or concerns. For more information regarding COVID-19 click here.