5 Underrated High Protein Snacks To Add Into Your Diet

5 Underrated High Protein Snacks To Add Into Your Diet
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Protein is an essential key nutrient to have in your diet. Protein is essential for everyone no matter what, but it is crucial when you are looking to build or maintain lean muscle mass in the gym. Protein provides the essential amino acids for muscle growth and repair (recovery). Your diet should consist of Healthy Fats, Carbohydrates, and Protein. However, eating healthy can certainly become a chore for some. It can take time and effort to plan your meals, shop for ingredients, and make sure you are eating enough! If you have a busy lifestyle, these snack options are perfect for you. The most popular sources of protein are chicken and lean ground beef or turkey. However, there are a lot of snacks you can buy or make homemade if you are looking for a quick, healthier, protein-packed snack on the go to boost your energy or just looking for an easy way to add more protein into your diet. Here are some of our favorites to spice things up in the kitchen!


Beef, Chicken, Turkey or Salmon jerky is a great snack that you can easily bring on the go and does not need to be refrigerated. It is low in fat, high in protein, and can be purchased just about anywhere! It is also perfect for athletes! Some of our favorite brands are; Stryve, Chomps, and Epic. Some brands/flavors can be higher in salt content, so we suggest choosing ones that are lower in sodium. Pro Tip: Sprinkle on top of your favorite salad for added protein and flavor!


Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Balls:

There are a lot of different protein ball recipes you can find online but this is our personal favorite. Created by Wellness Influencer Gracie Norton, this is the perfect treat when you are looking for something sweet!


Place into bowl and stir:

-1 cup of oats

-1 tablespoon of chia seeds

-Vanilla protein


Blend together:

-½ banana

-2 tbsp pb

-1 tbsp maple syrup

-¼ tsp vanilla

-¼ tsp cinnamon

-¼ cup coconut milk

-Chocolate chips


Combine everything in a bowl then form ‘batter’ into balls. Top off with hemp or chia seeds, and freeze for 10 mins. Enjoy!


Roasted Chickpeas:

Chickpeas, part of the legume family, are not only delicious and budget-friendly but also super versatile. Chickpeas or garbanzo beans are low in fat and high in protein, fiber, folate, iron, and manganese. You can use chickpeas as a base for many different kinds of recipes (perfect for vegans) or add them to any dish. One of our favorite ways to eat them is as a crispy snack. This recipe from Suzy Karadsheh, a medditerranean blogger, is perfect for when you're craving something crunchy!


Egg Bites:

This egg bite recipe from Katie Austin, certified personal trainer and health coach, is the perfect quick breakfast if you are short on time - you can meal prep, freeze, and have the next day! The best part is, this recipe is super customizable so you can add in your favorite ingredients such as different veggies, different cheeses etc. Eggs are a great source of healthy fats and protein, you can also replace the egg with egg whites if you want it to be even higher in protein!


Strawberry Yogurt Bark:

This treat is a perfect dessert or snack for when you are looking for something to cool down. Not only is it packed with protein, but you can customize it with different fruits or toppings. You can also swap out the Greek yogurt with any dairy alternative yogurt if you prefer. Greek yogurt has a lot of health benefits such as being rich in B12, potassium, calcium, and probiotics plus it adds some protein if you’re looking to meet your macros. We love treats that hit our sweet tooth and support our gut health. This recipe by Rachel Mansfield, a food blogger, is an absolute must-try!  


Chicken Breakfast Meatballs:

These breakfast meatballs are a must have for meal prep! So delicious and super easy to make if you are looking for an eggless breakfast! This recipe also follows the Whole30 diet, which is perfect if you are looking to stick to clean and whole ingredients!


All of these snack recipes are a great way to easily add more protein into your diet, which is essential when looking to gain or maintain lean muscle mass. If you are looking to get more nutrition tips, check out our personal training program!



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